Family exercise ideas

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Sometimes it can feel hard to fit exercise in, but why not combine keeping active with spending quality time with your family?

We all know that keeping active is good for our bodies and minds. It can help to maintain our energy balance, strengthen our bones and muscles and keep our lungs and hearts functioning well.

It’s also great for our mental wellbeing and can improve our focus. Finding a type of movement that you can enjoy while still spending time with your family can make it even more fun.

Here are some family exercise tips and ideas…

Set goals

Agree on some goals together as a family, but remember to make them SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-based.

Not just “exercise more”, but “walk 30 minutes every day”.

Make time

Family routines are busy, so schedule your activity to fit around your lives. For example, walk to school on Mondays and Tuesdays when Mum doesn’t start work until 10am. Have a weekly family games night when Dad finishes work at 4pm.

Activity ideas for all the family

If you can’t agree on a sport to do together, or if sport just isn’t your thing, there are loads of fun ways to exercise together as a family.

Some of these active ideas can fit easily into everyday life, while others you could make a weekend out of:

  • Tag
  • Throw and catch
  • Skipping rope
  • Hula hoop
  • Dance (musical statues, bop around to your favourite family tunes, or learn a dance routine)
  • Walk the dog together
  • Explore local woods and wildlife areas
  • Jog and walk (not every run has to be 100% effort)
  • Bike ride
  • Play at the park
  • Include activity in celebrations, e.g., football birthday parties, rounders at a family BBQ
  • Walk, cycle or scoot instead of driving
  • When you do drive, park further away and walk a bit
  • Take the stairs instead of the escalator or lift

31 March, 2023
