Benefits of milk alternatives

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The popularity and variety of milk alternatives instead of cow’s milk has risen over the years. Before exploring the benefits, we might as well first explain — what is plant-based milk?

Simply put, the plant e.g. nuts, soybeans, coconut etc, are soaked in water and then blended. Then the liquid is strained out of the plant matter and other ingredients are added, such as sugar or other flavourings.

Plant-based options include:

  • Soya
  • Almond
  • Oat
  • Cashew
  • Coconut
  • Hemp
  • Peak. 

What are the benefits of plant-based milk?

  • Much longer shelf-life
  • Better for those with a dairy allergy and intolerance
  • Contributes to a well-balanced plant-based diet

Nutrients in plant-based milk

Any food or drink which includes plant-based ingredients can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet, but some plant milks may offer slightly greater nutritional benefits than others.

According to Which? plant-based milk labelled as organic can’t be fortified, so if you want to make sure your plant milk is a source of calcium and other vitamins and minerals, you’ll need to go for the non-organic versions. If you’re wondering, fortification means the manufacturers have added certain vitamins and minerals which the product would otherwise lack.

Remember to look at the packaging to see if it’s got the nutrients you’re after. We’ve got lots of tips for understanding food labels.

18 September, 2023
